Archive for the ‘Gossip’ Category

Love, Uncle Rupert

January 28, 2009

Meet Ian Thorpe’s swimmer friend, Daniel Mendes

I don’t get it. I mean, why devote so many column inches to Ian Thorpe’s friendship with a hot Brazilian swimmer named Daniel? Yeah, they’ve lived together for three years and spend Christmas with each others families, so did my sister and her now-husband before they got marr-

oh … OH.

Ah, Rupert, your lawsuit-evading obfuscations are so clever. You minx.

Trinny and Susannah, where are you?

January 25, 2009

The Geneva Convention is in town for the long weekend, so we went out for drinks/dancing last night. We were in Sevilla and some girl rocked up wearing just about nothing – as in, a skin tight, white “dress” with a pouffy bottom. We christened her Sailor Moon.  She looked very uncomfortable, and kept adjusting herself which was a problem because every time she pulled the dress down to cover her arse/ladyparts, her boobs became more exposed, and every time she tried to fit her boobs back into the dress her arse came into view. Ugh.

GC and I thought, however, the her friends’ conservative dress code made up for this aberration. We were shocked, then, when a young woman wearing devil horns standing with Sailor Moon reached into the back of her dress, exposing first a thigh high slit then her underwear – which she promptly removed.

Really, it was 9.30 at night in a nice part of town. Surely you wait until everyone else in the bar is to drunk to remember or care before you remove your underwear?

I know Saturday night’s a licentious free-for-all, but this was just gross.

January 24, 2009

So, ANYWAY! I was out at Ruby’s last night and that idiot Dosa started texting Joy Luck Club. Turns out she was near by at the Electricity Works doing coke. I don’t know why he bothered texting; it’s not like she’s any fun! Plus she’s mad. I don’t really know why I’m posting this. It’s hardly gossip that she was at the EW doing drugs. It’s no wonder she’s lost the plot.

How was everyone else’s nights? I danced the night away with Old Man Anime, Dosa and Wedgewood. So much fun! I’m so glad we didn’t run into JLC, she would have SERIOUSLY fucked up my night. Plus, I didn’t have too many drinks which was good. MMMMMMMM.

So, that was my Friday night! Can’t wait to see you all on Sunday!
